For those of you using Phosmet (Imidan) as part of your Blueberry Maggot control program you should be aware of new label requirements designed to mitigate potential occupational exposure concerns that were raised during the recent re-evaluation of the product by the Pest Management Regulatory Agency.
1) new post-application personal protective equipment requirements;(long-sleeved shirt, long pants and chemical-resistant gloves) is required for
critical post-application activities performed by workers within 14 days of phosmet application. Additionally, the same PPE is required for thinning activities which takes place within 30 days of application.
2) Restricted-entry intervals (REI) into treated areas; There is a 3 Day REI for Imidan use in Highbush Blueberry, a 15 Day REI for U-Pick Operations, and a 15 day PHI.
3) Posting treatment notification; Double notification (i.e., written notice on posted signs and verbal notification to those re-entering the field) is required for field workers indicating that the area has been treated with phosmet and that phosmet is a cholinesterase inhibitor. This should include a brief description of the signs and symptoms of cholinesterase inhibition and ways to minimize exposure. Wash stations are required to be available for re-entry workers.
All information can be found on the newest Imidan label and all labels should be read carefully before applying any pesticide.