Sprayer and Application Technology Training Fall 2016

Friday, October 7, 2016

The Canadian Weed Science Society will be hosting 
"Application Technology Training" in conjunction with their 2016 AGM in Moncton.  This is a great opportunity for growers to learn from one of the leading application technology professionals in the country.  For pesticide applicators from Nova Scotia this session will be worth 6 pesticide applicator re-certification points. Seating is limited so register early, see the information below.

In case you missed it, the NSFA has announced:
Sprayer Calibration Workshops

A field (boom) sprayer calibration workshop will be presented in October at Canning (Oct 12), Debert (Oct 13) and Antigonish (Oct 14). Each event will be from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm. Participation is limited to the first 15 pre-registrants. Participants will receive 10 Nova Scotia PRCP points.

This is a hands-on workshop. Participants will review a product label with particular attention given to product application rates and appropriate safety concerns. They will then calibrate a sprayer to meet the label requirements, learning how to do the appropriate calculations. After lunch (on your own) a different label will be used and a second sprayer will be calibrated. Bring a calculator, a notebook, and a pen/pencil.

The workshop is sponsored by CropLife Canada. There will be no cost to participants (other than lunch). The instructor will be Jim Jotcham (Marbicon Inc.).  To register for a workshop phone the Nova Scotia Federation of Agriculture at (902) 893-2293.