In the Berry Field: Sonny Murray discusses Weed Control in Highbush Blueberry

Friday, March 25, 2022

In this issue of In the Berry Field, Sonny Murray discusses Weed Control in Highbush Blueberry.

The video can be viewed by Clicking Here

Last week's video on Cyclamen Mite Control in Strawberries can be viewed by Clicking Here.

Last month's video on Weed Control in Strawberries can be viewed by Clicking Here.

New Chemical Product Registration for Berry Crops

Incase you missed our Product Registration Changes Impacting Horticulture Crops webinar this week. Here are the highlights.   A video will be available shortly.  


DiPel – shelf life extension, used to be 24 months and is now 36 months  

           -labeled for cranberry fruitworm and cherry fruitworm in highbush blueberry and leafrollers in berries in general

DiPel Label

Chateau – is now available in a liquid formulation

              - herbicide labled for broadleaf control in many hort crops

Chateau EZ

Chateau WDG

4 x 910 mL

4 x 1.13kg

AI: flumioxazin 479.2g/L

AI: flumioxazin 51.1%

Since the packaging size and active ingredient concentration of Chateau EZ is lower than that of Chateau WDG. What acreage 1 case of Chateau WDG treats, 1 case of Chateau EZ will only treat 75% of.

i.e. applying to strawberry

  • The rate of Chateau WDG is 85g/ac, 1 case of Chateau WDG would treat 53ac.
  • The rate of Chateau EZ is 90.7mL/ac, 1 case of Chateau EZ would treat 40ac

Chateau Label

Danitol-Label was expaned to include control of Japanese Beetle, Leafhoppers and Spotted Wing Dosophilia for Caneberry     

            -insecticide for control of Spotted wing drosophilia and other insects in hort crops

               Danitol Label


Closer- Label was expanded to include control of Aphids, and leaf hoppers on Bushberries

        1 day PHI and 2 or 3 maxium application/year depending on the pest  

         Closer label

Entrust-Label was expanded for supression of blueberry maggot in blueberry 

               PHI 3 day

              Entrust Label


Zivata- contains the same active as Matador or Silencer but does not have the same carrier therefore  drastically reduced odour     Zivata Label 

    - insecticide for the control of weevils, tarnish plant bug, spittle bug in strawberries 


Dual II Magnum- Label was expansion to control grasses and some broadleaf weeds in Caneberry

Dual II Magnum is a pre emergent herbicide for grassy weed and label broadleaf weed control.  

Dual II Magnum Label

Miravis Neo- Label expansion to control Anthracnose and Mummy Berry in Highbush Blueberry

For broad-spectrum disease control or suppression on field and highbush blueberry crops (Group 7+3+11).

Miravis Neo Label


Captan- same fungicide, but now in a liquid formulation

A protective contact fungicide (group M) for broad-spectum disease control.

Captan Label


Special note from Bayer CropScience: The soil application registration of Admire (for bushberries, caneberries and strawberries) expires April 11, 2022, after which this use will no longer be premitted.