This is a BIG deal to be hosted in Halifax. Anyone interested can attend and maybe be inspired to apply to the program in the future.
Nuffield Canada Scholar Presentations set for Halifax
Ottawa, ON – On January 24, at 1
pm, Nuffield Canada will be hosting their Scholar
Presentations at the Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel. Anyone
interested is welcome to attend.
Nuffield Scholar presentations are one of the final components to be completed
by scholars in fulfillment of the two-year program.
This year there will be six Nuffield Scholar Presentations by:
Andrew Rosychuk (Sch.
2020), Edmonton, AB - Sponsored by Nuffield Canada
On-farm Medium Scale
Craig Lester (Sch.
2023), Calgary, AB - Sponsored by Alberta Grains
Media’s role in
agriculture and the influence it has on consumers’ perspective of the industry.
Emily Ford (Sch. 2023),
Medicine Hat, AB - Sponsored by McCain Foods
Regenerative Agriculture
in Potato Production Systems
Justin Cantafio (Sch.
2023), Dartmouth, NS - Sponsored by the NS Gov., Dept. of Agriculture
How farmers’ markets can
build sustainable, resilient, and adaptable local food systems in Canada
Kirk Zembal (Sch.
2023), Edmonton, AB - Sponsored by Canadian Canola Growers Association
Creating value for grain
growers in the rapidly changing sustainability and carbon pricing landscape.
Stephanie Lam (Sch.
2023), Guelph, ON - Sponsored by Semex
Genetic and genomic
approaches for sustainable beef production.
The vision of Nuffield Canada is “to ignite global exploration, discovery and
innovation in Canadian agriculture.” Its mission is “to provide a dynamic
platform for scholars to research, explore and collaborate on ideas,
innovations, policies, and practices that drive advancements in Canada
agriculture.” This is achieved by offering mid-career agriculturalist a
$20,000 scholarship to travel the world for a minimum of 10 weeks to research a
topic of their choosing that is relevant to the advancement of agriculture in
Scholars are then required to write a 10,000-word report on what they learned
and present a summary to the Nuffield Canada Board, sponsors, industry
partners, alumni and peers – fielding questions afterwards. Nuffield Canada Scholar Reports are then
published on the Nuffield Canada website, available free to all, and scholars
become industry experts on their topic and share what they learned with
Applications to become a Nuffield Scholar are open April 1 though June 30 each
year. More information is available at
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For more information
or to arrange an interview, please contact:
Theresa Whalen,
Executive Director, Nuffield Canada