Great to see many of you at the annual meeting earlier this month at Cranberry Acres and thanks to Henry Endres for hosting this year! Janice has already emailed around the meeting minutes so if you have any comments or questions - please let her know.
Just wanted to let you know that there have been trap catches the past two weeks in various locations in Nova Scotia of Spotted Wing Drosophila. As discussed at the annual meeting it is still unknown whether or not this pest will actually become a pest of cranberry but it would be a good idea to keep an eye out since we know it is now in the province.
And finally just wanted to let you know that Cranberries NB is hosting their annual tour and meeting next week on August 29th... I've included the Agenda and contact information below.
Canneberges NB Cranberries Agency,
in collaboration with Ocean Spray at its Pleasant Ridge Cranberry Farm,
is please to invite you at our 2012 Annual Field Day
This event will be held in Rogersville on
Wednesday August 29
starting at 10 A.M.
10:00 A.M. Opening Ceremonies – Marc Daoust, General Manager at Pleasant Ridge
10:05 A.M. Word from The Hon. Michael Olscamp, Minister of Agriculture, Aquaculture
& Fisheries
10:10 A.M. Word from Mr. Bertrand LeBlanc, MLA in Rogersville - Kouchibouguac
10:15 A.M. Word from The Hon. Claude Williams, MLA in Kent South
10:20 A.M. Word from her Worship Pierrette Robichaud, Mayor in Rogersville
10:25 A.M. Word from Daniel Arseneault, Chair
10:30 A.M. Guest Speaker – Jacques Painchaud, MAPAQ
11:00 A.M. Guided Farm Visit (125 acres or 30 cranberry beds) – Bus Tour
12:30 P.M. Lunch – All-you-can-eat mechoui BBQ (cooked on site)
02:30 P.M. North Black River Rd Farm Visit (one 20 acre bed) – travel by car
Cost to attend is $10 per person.
Please RSVP prior to August 24
th at noon in order for us to better plan sufficient food at lunch time. To do so, please email Bob, our General Manager, at truly,