In the Berry Field: March 23rd, 2023

Friday, March 24, 2023


The In the Berry Field video can be viewed by CLICKING HERE

In this video, Sonny Murray gives a brief update on cold injury noted in the berry crops and discusses witch's broom in highbush blueberry. 


Upcoming Berry Primer Webinar

We've had a couple more speakers join the Berry Primer Webinar!

         Dr. Kim Lewers, USDA-ARS from the Genetic Improvement of Fruits and Vegetables Lab and contributor to the "Low tunnel strawberry production guide" will join us to talk about low tunnel production.  

        Dr. Rob Mikkelsen will wrap things up by talking about Strawberry Nutrition and its Impact on Fruit Yield and Quality 

other sessions include: 

  • Dustin Mclean, Horticulturist and Field Plant Pathologist – Anthracnose: do we have resistance or not? 
  • Matt Peill, Molecular Biologist – Intensity of aphid management effects virus spread 
  • Cheryl Trueman, Technical Lead, Potatoes & Specialty Crops – Fungicide Resistance Management: Guidance into Practice 

 Pesticide points and CCA points will be available for this session! 

 You must attend the entire session to receive points.

Please sign up by going to Perennia's Learning Calendar or by CLICKING HERE.


Pesticide Product Updates Effecting Berry Growers:

Betamix will no longer be manufactured and stock will quickly run out at the retail level.  Growers can continue to use Betamix until supply runs out.  Going forward growers should rely more heavily on pre emergent residual herbicides in the establishment year.  

Poast Ultra will be discontinued after 2023.  This may put pressure on the supply of alternative chemistry.

The table below outlines new product registrations for 2023.